
Understanding your liver health

We now offer FibroScan® a new painless aid to assess liver health. It is FDA approved for clinical management of many liver disease such as Viral Hepatitis, Fatty liver, portal hypertension and Non-alcoholic liver disease.

FibroScan® works by emitting a pulse of energy which is felt as a slight vibration. FibroScan non invasively measures the stiffness of the liver by capturing and calculating the speed of a shear wave as it travels through the liver.

What to expect for my exam ?


You will lay on your back, with your right leg crossed over your left leg and with your right arm raised behind your head. This is to allow easy exposure to the intercostal spaces (spaces between your ribs) for the probe to effectively scan your liver. Your healthcare provider will apply a water-based gel to the skin and then place the probe on the right side of your ribcage. Your healthcare provider will quickly produce 10 measurements during the course of the FibroScan® examination. These measurements will be used to establish an overall stiffness score. FibroScan® probes are adapted to most body-types and to all ages, from pediatric to adults.


It is important to tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, or if you have any active implantable electronic devices, such as pacemakers, defibrillators, or pumps. FibroScan® should not be used if you are pregnant or have any implantable electronic devices.

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